How Well Do You Remember The Friends Intro?
How Well Do You Remember The Friends Intro?
Can you really call yourself a true fan?
Can you really call yourself a true fan?
Which one of these is the iconic fountain?
What colour is the third dot in the Friends logo?
In Season 1, who sits on the couch first?
In Season 1, what colour umbrella does Joey have?
In Season 1, how many ducks can be seen in the fountain?
When Phoebe’s spinning like crazy, what’s the colour of the scarf she’s holding?
In what hand does Joey hold his fancy drink while floating in the fountain?
Who falls into the fountain?
Who turns off the lamp?
In Season 2, what two iconic NYC buildings can be seen in the opening shot?
What season’s opening credits is this screen from?
Witch season’s opening credits *do* include the duck feeding shot?
Which season’s intro includes the scenes from London?
In which season all cast members had “Arquette” added to their intro credits?