What Disney Golden Age Heroine Are You?
What Disney Golden Age Heroine Are You?
The start of it all, the Golden Age is home to the original princesses who started it all-- Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty. But which one are you?
The start of it all, the Golden Age is home to the original princesses who started it all-- Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty. But which one are you?
What is your favorite color?
Choose a video game to play.
Your work is hosting a company picnic and asking everyone to bring a dish. What do you bring?
Your teacher gives you an assignment in which you have to choose a topic in which you must take a stand for or against. Which do you pick?
You see your prince with someone else! What do you do?
What is your spirit animal?
The most important quality in a prince is...
If you had a say in how you died, you would choose...
Your favorite holiday is...
Which value do you wish to most be remembered by?
Snow White
Snow White
You're Snow White! You're an absolute classic with a heart of gold. Even through the toughest of times, you remain kind to all you meet and never cease to lose your innocence. Your beauty is envied by all but those matters are only skin-deep. You value hard work, traditional family morals, and caring for those who cannot care for themselves. You see the world through warm, bright eyes and dream of a loving, committed romance with your prince charming. Not only that, but you make friends easily and inspire others, as well!
Katrina van Tassel
Katrina van Tassel
You're Katrina van Tassel! While you may not be as popular as some of the better known heroines, you definitely leave an impact on everyone you meet. You are playful and flirtatious and like to have a little fun in your romantic endeavors. Despite the femininity you ooze, though, you take great interest in the horror of legend and lore. You believe actions speak louder than words and therefore may not say much, but that definitely doesn't discount your unforgettable aura!
You're Cinderella! Though some may try to drag you down, you remain positive and work hard towards your goals. You are a firm believer in fighting for your dreams and once you reach them, they are worth all the hardships it took to get there. Everyone you meet raves of your kindness and thus is always willing to lend a helping hand in times of need. You may be a bit shy around men you fancy and time constraints may put you under pressure but your beautiful and endearing nature wins over every prince.
You're Alice! You have a youthful enthusiasm that encourages your curious nature and an imagination rivaled by the most famous authors. While you may not take much interest in the world around you, you highly value the creative lands living inside your mind. You may be a bit stubborn and make some mistakes, but you enjoy doing your own thing and going on wild adventures without the jurisdiction of those superior to you.
You're Wendy! Your maternal nature is your most prominent quality and you always try to make sure everything is in order. You have a great imagination and are a master storyteller but you only pursue things within reason. You are of sound mind and stick to your morals but while you try to analyze your choices before making a decision, sometimes you have a bit of a temper that gets the best of you. Regardless, your caring and disciplinary nature makes you perfect mother material and that shows in the way you look after others.
You're Aurora! You are carefree and ambitious, a hopeless romantic with dreams of finding true love. You may be unaware of your full potential but you are so much more than you realize. You are appreciative of nature and the creatures in it and enjoy the beauty that forests hold. Your friends care deeply about you and steer you in the right direction when they fear you're being lead astray. You may be a bit shy around potential love interests but only because of your caution around strangers. You also know the importance of good sleeping habits, and dream of waking up next to a handsome prince.