Match The African Food With The Country It's From
Match The African Food With The Country It's From
This quiz might leave you hungry!
This quiz might leave you hungry!
Kilishi is an extremely popular dried meat. What country is it most popular in?
Kachumbari is similar to pico de gallo and is extremely popular in this country.
Brik is a gooey pastry that's filled with egg, capers, cheese and more. What country is it popular in?
Kaka Pizon is a crunchy snack that's extremely popular in this country.
Prego rolls are Portuguese-style sandwiches that are found throughout the streets of this country.
Harira is a flavorful soup that is served at most traditional restaurants in this country.
Injera is a popular bread that is served with almost every meal in this country.
Mashmash is a traditional carb-heavy dish which is popular in this country.
Bunny chow is a delicious curry that's put in hollowed-out bread and is popular in this country.
Fried mopani worms might seem kind of strange, but are extremely popular on the streets of this country.