Which Halo Reach Noble Team member are you?
Which Halo Reach Noble Team member are you?
There are six members to the the team. Carter, Kat, Jorge, Emile, Jun and the mysterious noble six. Which one are you?
There are six members to the the team. Carter, Kat, Jorge, Emile, Jun and the mysterious noble six. Which one are you?

Someone tries to start a fight with your friend...what do you do?
You are sitting in a room with a stranger. What do you do to break the silence?
You have free time! What do you choose to do?
You run into a covenant Elite. He is injured and has a knife in his shoulder. He tries to convince you to help him in trade for information.
Weapon of choice?
Does family mean a lot to you?
Are you fast?
Would you sacrifice yourself for Reach?
Noble One. He has strong leadership and supreme bravery. He respects every other member of the team. You will always be loyal to the ones you love.
Noble two. You are stubborn and hard heading but respect technology. You are a tech-wiz and would never let anything happen to the team. When you fail you become frustrated but never stop trying.
Noble three. You are killer with a sniper and never miss a shot. You are extremely reliable and every one trusts you to get the job done. You like to talk, a lot. Especially about yourself and the team. You are a great friend and somewhat humorous. But, you could be a ninja because your stealth is incredible.
You are a warrior. You tend to cover your emotions with humor or a macho personality. You do not like to open up and keep your face covered so no one knows what you really look like. He treats civilians poorly believing they are useless. However, the whole team respects him and he would do anything to protect them. He was even wiling to sacrifice himself for the team but managed to escape.
Jorge is the oldest member of the team. But nothing can break him. He is extremely hard to read but is not afraid to voice his opinions. He is known to be inspiring and was the only member of noble team to fully respect civilian life. This is because he was born on Reach, and would do anything for the people that lived on it.
Noble six is the character you play as through the game. He is the last to join the team and is definitely one of the strongest. He prefers to work alone, but will work with the team if necessary. He is mysterious and brave. Willing to die to complete his mission.