12 Things You Didn't Notice In The Harry Potter Movies
12 Things You Didn't Notice In The Harry Potter Movies
It's magical!
It's magical!
Created by Alexis Diamond
On Mar 29, 2017
You've been pronouncing Voldemort's name wrong!
Ron's hair in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone."
Portraits in Hogwarts were based off cast and crew members.
Can you find the blunder in this scene?
The actress who played Moaning Myrtle was 37.
There are over 1000 bottles in the potions classroom.
In "Prisoner of Azkaban" the mic batteries are visible.
All exterior shots of Hogwarts were taken using this model.
This one's from "Goblet of Fire." Pay attention to the note.
Another little detail from "Goblet of Fire"...
Do you know what the K in J.K. Rowling stands for?
Watch what happens to the newspaper in "Half-blood Prince."
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