Which Kim Possible Villain Are You?
Which Kim Possible Villain Are You?
Are you more Drakken or Monkey Fist? Find out!
Are you more Drakken or Monkey Fist? Find out!

What are you good at?
Choose your lair
Would you work alone or with a partner?
What's your hobby?
What's your motive?
What's your most dominant trait out of these?
Choose your weapon
Dr. Drakken
Dr. Drakken
You're Dr. Drakken! You had a rough childhood, and you're out for revenge! Your goal in life is to take over the world and get the respect and recognition you've always wanted. You're a skilled mad scientist and inventor, but you tend to focus too much on the big picture, and overlook the little details. You'd rather have a sidekick and henchmen than go it alone, because you're more brains than brawn. You have a soft side, though, and--deep down--you're not all bad.
You're Shego! You're clever, resourceful, and a good fighter. You're a villain for the fun of it, and you just enjoy being bad. You don't make plans of your own, and instead play the part of sidekick. You like doing the fighting while someone else does the plotting. You're not a workaholic, though, and you enjoy vacationing and relaxing. You're extremely sarcastic, and you don't put up with anyone's crap. You're pretty laid-back, but when somebody messes with you, they'll be sorry.
Monkey Fist
Monkey Fist
You're Monkey Fist! You seek power above all else, and you want to become King of the Monkeys. You're a kung fu master, and you're one of only two people who possess Mystical Monkey Powers. You command an army of ninja monkeys, and you're always seeking ancient artifacts that will increase your power. You're resilient and highly intelligent, as well as patient--always waiting for just the right moment.
Senor Senior Sr.
Senor Senior Sr.
You're Senor Senior Sr! For you, villainy is more of a hobby to occupy your time than a job or a lifestyle. You're a retired billionaire, so you have plenty of time and money on your hands to pull off villainous schemes. You work with family, rather than hiring a sidekick or going it alone, preferring to think of it as a form of bonding. You're cunning and sophisticated, as well as a skilled pilot of land, water, and air vehicles.
Senor Senior Jr.
Senor Senior Jr.
You're Senor Senior Jr! You're involved in villainy to please someone you care about. You have no real interest in evil, and you'd rather be partying and living it up. You're rich by inheritance, and you enjoy a lavish lifestyle. You're big into fashion, and you'd rather be a pop star than a villain. You have a tendency to be spoiled and childish at times, but you can also be brave and strong-willed.
Duff Killigan
Duff Killigan
You're Duff Killigan! Your life revolves around golf. You love golf, and you would turn the world into your own personal course if you could. Your weapons of choice are your clubs, and exploding golf balls. You go it alone rather than trusting a sidekick. You keep to yourself most of the time, but you have a quick temper, and will gleefully unleash your wrath.
Professor Dementor
Professor Dementor
You're Professor Dementor! You're out for world domination, and you want to prove you're the best. You want to outdo all the other villains, and display your superior mad science and inventing skills. You're smart, and you have henchmen to back you up rather than going it alone. You're very competitive, and you enjoy showing off.