Can You Finish The Popular Grease Hits?
Can You Finish The Popular Grease Hits?
Go greased lightning!
Go greased lightning!
![Alex McCarthy](
Created by Alex McCarthy
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 16
"I've got chills, ____.
2 / 16
"Tell me more, tell me more..."
3 / 16
"We'll get some overhead lifters and ___."
4 / 16
"Elvis, Elvis let me be..."
5 / 16
"Guess mine is not the first heart broken..."
6 / 16
Stranded at the drive in
Branded a fool...
7 / 16
"Their lips are lying, ___"
8 / 16
"Don't keep your letters from me, I thrill to every line..."
9 / 16
"Cause the beebop stork was about to arrive..."
10 / 16
"It's raining on prom night
My hair is a mess
It's running all over..."
11 / 16
"Love is not a gadget, love is ___."
12 / 16
"I heard someone whisper, 'Please, adore me'..."
13 / 16
"Rock 'n roll will always be our ___"
14 / 16
"When they said, "You was high classed, ____"
15 / 16
"Even though the neighborhood thinks ___."
16 / 16
"We go together like ___."
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These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021