What Do The Candy Hearts You Choose Say About You?

How well do these hearts describe your life right now? Which resonate more with you on a scale of 1 to 5?

Alex McCarthy
Created by Alex McCarthy
On Feb 8, 2016

On a scale of 1 to 5, how do these candy hearts reflect your current life situation?

Comforable in Your Skin

Comforable in Your Skin

Crazy love is for the young or inexperienced, as is the dating scene. For you, happiness is the feeling of old leather and relationships that have stood the test of time. There's nothing better than knowing beauty in consistency.

Love, lust or run?

Love, lust or run?

When you're looking for the right person to share your life with, it's hard not to feel a little desperate. Fret not, your prince or princess charming will be along shortly and the pressure will melt away.

Looking for Love

Looking for Love

At this point in your life, you're either between relationships or still getting comfortable in your current relationship. But don't worry, a moment is coming when you'll find everything you're looking for and more.

Que Sera Sera

Que Sera Sera

To you, through the good times and bad, the lost love and deep commitment, you always seem to go with the flow. That's why your motto is que sera sera... whatever will be, will be...

Deeply in Love

Deeply in Love

Isn't love grand! Every day feels fresh and new. The skies are always blue, and the sun is always bright, because you're wrapped in the shroud of new world of joy. Treasure this feeling, because there's nothing like it in the world.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021