How Healthy Is Your Diet?
How Healthy Is Your Diet?
Find out how healthy your diet is here, with tips :)
Find out how healthy your diet is here, with tips :)

What are you most likely to have for breakfast?
What are you most likely to have for lunch?
What are you most likely to have for dinner?
What is your favourite thing to drink?
If you and friends were ordering in pizza, what would you get?
What are you most likely to order at Starbucks?
What are you most likely to snack on?
What would you order at McDonalds?
If you drink alcohol, what are you more likely to drink?
Which type of chocolate do you like best?
How do you like your eggs?
Which dressing would you put on your salad?
If you go to a restaurant, what do you probably order?
Which starter do you like best?
Which main course do you like best?
Which dessert do you like best?
What would you order at Subway?
You are healthy! You eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and tend to stay away from junk food. You probably lead a pretty active lifestyle too. You are doing great, just make sure not to get too obsessed with healthy eating!
You are average! There is room for improvement, but for the most part you have a good, balanced diet. Try to make small changes to eat healthier, and increase your activity levels.
You are unhealthy! Having an unhealthy diet can lead to many health issues, such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. Try using an app like My Fitness Pal to keep track of what you are eating and cut down on foods that are high in fat/sugar/salt.