Which Anne Of Green Gables Character Are You?
Which Anne Of Green Gables Character Are You?
Which of the characters in this beloved classic are you?
Which of the characters in this beloved classic are you?

Are you good at daily tasks like washing dishes, doing laundry, and making the beds?
What are you most likely to be doing in your spare time?
Is the glass half full or half empty?
Someone just insulted your best friend. What are you going to do?
Are you artistic?
Do you often find yourself contemplating life?
Are you stubborn?
Who is your ideal mate?
Are friendships important to you?
Do you follow the crowd or make your own way?
What do you think of children?
Do you think you're handsome/beautiful?
Are you curious and spontaneous?
In what way do you love people?
Which excites you more: Interesting ideas or practical facts?
How're you at first impressions?
Anne Shirley
Anne Shirley
You live more inside your own dream world than out; you're imaginative, intelligent and always look for the best in each person you come across (unless they’ve personally insulted you, of course). You're a dreamer who makes the best of every situation even when there doesn’t seem to be much hope. While you put on a happy face to the world, you often find yourself in the depths of despair where you struggle with loneliness. And while you can talk the hind leg off a cow, you do need time for inner reflection so you can recharge. You are loyal, hot tempered, and the most idealistic kindred spirit.
You're likely an INFP.
Diana Barry
Diana Barry
You're the best friend anyone could ever have. You're incredibly loyal, caring, and thoughtful. While not as imaginative or goal oriented as Anne, you do have your own set of dreams. You dream of being a good wife and mother.You're happy to marry a sensible man, despite Anne’s protestations. You are happy to let Anne take the limelight and find ways to help support your friend in every way possible, including entering her into a writing competition without her permission.
You're likely an ISFJ.
Matthew Cuthbert
Matthew Cuthbert
You are quiet, loyal, and very caring. You like to be in the background and find having conversations with anyone (except for Marilla and Anne) to be a little difficult. However, you have the biggest heart anyone could ever find in a human being, spoiling Anne to her heart’s content. You're perceptive of others needs and always do your best to provide and make people happy. Like Marilla, you also respect traditions and security, but in a more feeling way.
You're likely an ISFJ.
Marilla Cuthbert
Marilla Cuthbert
You are the ultimate duty fulfiller. You respect tradition and are keen to keep all traditions in place with a sensible spirit to boot. While it’s hard for you to express your feelings, your emotions are a deep well filled to brimming. You are loyal and caring to everyone you love, even if you can be a strict disciplinarian. You are always there for the people that matter to you. Serious and logical, you do however have a romantic side and a similar temperament to Anne. There's also a surprisingly funny sarcastic tone to everything you say.
You're likely an ISTJ.
Gilbert Blythe
Gilbert Blythe
You love to debate and are very quick-witted. There’s nothing that gives you a greater thrill than winning an argument. On top of that, you're very creative, impassioned, and popular. You can easily be the life of the party with your amiable personality and clever remarks. Sometimes you can be too logical in your debates, however, which can offend someone with a more feeling personality. That all said, you're a romantic at heart. When you fall in love it's ardent and constant.
You're likely an ENTP.
Rachel Lynde
Rachel Lynde
Your responsibilities are incredibly important to you. You're good at taking care of others. You tell everyone exactly what is on your mind, which puts you in danger of gossiping. On the surface one might think you're a little bit more of a thinker; but despite your practical claims, you rely much more heavily on your feelings. Unable to take criticism well, you can have an explosive temper and a sensitive ego. You also respect tradition, making every event you're in charge of the best ever. You're can be a little controlling and hypercritical, but you also have a big heart and are unfailingly caring toward those you love.
You're likely and ESFJ.