What's Your True Party Personality?
What's Your True Party Personality?
Are you the "Sloppy Drunk"? Or the "Wallflower".
Are you the "Sloppy Drunk"? Or the "Wallflower".

Pick a drink:
What's your party jam?
A party isn't a party without:
Pick a game to play:
At any given party, we would most likely find you:
At a party, you usually like to:
Have you ever had a one-night-stand?
What's your philosophy on alcohol?
Your true party personality is...The Philosopher
Your true party personality is...The Philosopher
Your idea of a good time is pulling a a few chairs and getting a good ol' fashioned discussion going. Once you get a little alcohol in you, you could talk for hours and it's usually about the most profound and interesting stuff.
Your true party personality is...The DJ
Your true party personality is...The DJ
You live to party and party to live. You were most likely the kid in high school who organized the prom after party. You threw numerous keggers and now dream of the day when you can get paid to make a whole room dance as the DJ, but for now you just take control of the iPod speakers.
Your true party personality is...The Sloppy Drunk
Your true party personality is...The Sloppy Drunk
You're the one that everyone knows to keep an eye on, especially after you've had a few drinky-poos. You don't go to parties to make friends or have a nice chat, you go to get turnt. You only live once after all, might as well get drunk.
Your true party personality is...The Wallflower
Your true party personality is...The Wallflower
You spend your time at parties quite literally against the wall as if you are some sort of humanoid shaped ornament. You make it work. You're a bit cynical about social events and find yourself thinking, what's the point of it all...but then you find someone else who feels the same way and stick with them for the entire night.
Your true party personality is...The Mom/Dad
Your true party personality is...The Mom/Dad
Parties aren't exactly fun for you...they're more like...stressful. You're making sure everyone is getting home safe and not breaking any rules of the house. Even if it's not your house, you still feel like you need to "take care of things". We can find you helping out the host in the kitchen, clearing empty glasses and holding your friend's hair back as she pukes.
Your true party personality is...The Emotional Wreck
Your true party personality is...The Emotional Wreck
Something sort of magical happens to you when you have too much to drink. You turn into an emotional wreck and think it's ok to tell every stranger at the party your life story and how you have a deep-seated fear of intimacy. You blame it on the wine, but there's gotta be something bigger going on here...