The Flash: Do You Know The Show From The Comics?

The Flash has taken TV by storm! You've seen the show, but do you know some of the differences between it and the comics for the Scarlet Speedster? Let's find out!

A McGee
Created by A McGee
On Nov 19, 2015
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Who is Harrison Wells in the comics?

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Barry Allen is the original Flash from the show, but who was first in the comics?

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How does Barry store his Flash suit in the comics?

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Who is Caitlin in the comics?

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Who is Barry romantically involved with in the comics?

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Martin Stein and Ronnie Raymond are also the original incarnation of Firestorm from the comics. True or False?

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Clyde Mardon could control the weather around him in the show. What did he do in the comics?

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Cisco Ramon is "Vibe" because he can see into other dimensions/times on the show. What is his power in the comics?

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Who is Patty Spivot in the comics?

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Linda Park dated Barry briefly in the show, but who is she romantically involved with in the comics?

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Eddie Thawne was a god friend of The Flash during the show. What was he in the books?

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Captain Cold uses a "Cold Gun" in the show, but how does he use his powers in the comic books?

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Harrison Wells' daughter, Jesse Chambers Wells, is based on who in the comics?

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During the show, Barry has to vabrate his molecules to pass through a solid object. Can he do that in the comics?

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In the show Barry wears the red "Flash suit". Which one was his in the comics?

Questions left
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