What Super Power Should You Definitely NOT Have?
What Super Power Should You Definitely NOT Have?
Some powers just aren't a good idea...Which one should YOU not have?
Some powers just aren't a good idea...Which one should YOU not have?

Which bad habit do you admit to engaging in?
Which of the following could you just NOT even?
Do you consider feeling alone to be a problem you experience regularly?
How big of a klutz are you?
What kind of trouble are you most likely to get into?
Would you describe yourself as more physical or more mental?
Do you tend to tackle problems head on, or try to come at them from a different angle.
How would you use your super power?
Can you keep a secret?
Which of the following is true?
Super Strength
Super Strength
Super Strength might sound like a good power for almost anyone, but if you have a bit of a temper (sound familiar?) it might not be the best idea. One wrong smash, and things could go very badly.
Clumsiness is also a bad mix with such raw brute strength. In your case, you're probably better off with a power that is a bit more subtle...and less likely to end up with smashed buildings when you have a bad day!
The Ability to Read Minds
The Ability to Read Minds
Mind reading seems great, right? You could win any game show, manipulate the stock market, and keep tabs on the bad guys. But wait! There are some MAJOR downsides!
If you're the kind of person who can't keep a secret, being able to read minds could ruin friendships. And snooping into your friend's innermost thoughts isn't very polite...and it's not very flattering to know exactly what everyone thinks of you! You're probably better off with a more physical power like super strength or laser beams that shoot from your fingers!
The ability to become invisible at will is a classic superpower. You can sneak into the enemy fortress, move undetected from the city, and keep an eye out for danger without anyone else knowing.
Unfortunately, for a shy person, the temptation to remain invisible might be just too much, and it certainly won't help you develop your social skills! And if you tend to be a little sneaky, you may find yourself giving in to your bad habit in very bad ways. Teleportation might be a better option for you!
The Ability to Freeze Time
The Ability to Freeze Time
Being able to stop time is a powerful ability indeed, but it can lead to a lonely existence. When time is frozen, there's no one to talk to...because they're frozen, too. You can get a lot done, but you'll be doing it alone.
The ability to freeze time can also be a dangerous trap for a procrastinator! You could easily find yourself spending all your time FROZEN in time while you try to catch up. Super hearing might work out better for you!
Teleportation is almost like being in 2 places at once. Cool, right? Well,not for someone who tends to make rash decisions. Teleportation can go wrong quickly if you decide to teleport to a dangerous place or don't have a solid plan in mind before you make the leap.
Also? Admit it. You're a pretty impatient person, and the ability to teleport anywhere you want isn't going to help you improve that. Freezing time might be a better power for you, since you'll have a chance to reflect on your actions before you take them!
Super Hearing
Super Hearing
Super hearing is a simple and straight forward ability that almost any superhero could potentially put to good use, but it's not all roses. If you're sensitive to sound and stimulation, having super hearing could be like living in hell!
Super hearing also means you might pick up on things you didn't want to know. After all, who expects that you'll be able to hear their whisper from across town? Invisibility would give you the same chance to hear things you ordinarily wouldn't'' but without the sonic boom level noises in your head.