Which Harry Potter creature are you
Which Harry Potter creature are you
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Cats or Dogs ?
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Potter or Jackson
You are Fawkes! Fawkes is a highly intelligent phoenix and Albus Dumbledore's animal companion and defender.
You are Crookshanks! Crookshanks is Hermione Granger's pet cat. He is half- Kneazle as evidenced by his lion-like appearance, ability to solve problems on his own without aid or teaching, and clear dislike of and ability at recognising untrustworthy persons (even if they are transfigured).
You are Dobby!Dobby saved the lives of Harry and his companions from Death Eaters at Malfoy Manor and was fatally wounded by Bellatrix Lestrange's knife as he successfully apparated Harry to safety in the Shell Cottage. Harry dug Dobby's grave in the gardens of Shell Cottage without using magic and placed Dobby's body inside. After Harry finished burying one of his most loyal friends, he carved a rock saying "HERE LIES DOBBY, A FREE ELF." placing it where Dobby was buried.
You are Fluffy!Fluffy was a large, vicious, three-headed dog who was once cared for by Rubeus Hagrid. Fluffy's greatest weakness was the inability to resist falling asleep to the sound of music.
You are Hedwig!Hedwig was Harry Potter's pet Snowy Owl.
You are Arnold! Arnold is Luna's pygmy puff.A Pygmy Puff is a miniature Puffskein, bred by Fred and George Weasley and sold at their shop Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes at 93 Diagon Alley in London, as one of the known products in the WonderWitch range.