When Are You Most Creative?
When Are You Most Creative?
Creativity can be a mystery, but we all know it when it strikes. When is your imagination at its best?
Creativity can be a mystery, but we all know it when it strikes. When is your imagination at its best?
How do you feel right now?
Which color do you associate with creativity?
Which of these paintings most inspires you?
What is your creative weapon of choice?
Where do the muses most often strike you?
Which food fuels your creativity?
Which of these is the most serene setting?
Are you feeling more creative now? (we hope so)
Early in the Morning
Early in the Morning
Not only are you a morning person, but your brain is too. Mornings are when you do your best thinking and creating.
Late at Night
Late at Night
You're a night owl to the core. After the sun goes down, the creative juices start flowing.
After Working Out
After Working Out
Sometimes, like your body, all your brain needs is a good workout to get the mental mojo moving.
After Sex
After Sex
Creativity itself is very sexy, so why wouldn't inspiration strike you post coitally.
After Three Cups of Coffee
After Three Cups of Coffee
Morning, evening, afternoon, it doesn't matter when you wake up, because you and your creativity don't start flowing until after a few cups of coffee.
When I'm in the Shower
When I'm in the Shower
Sometimes, to optimize your innovative mood, you need to let the creativity rain down on you (from the shower head at least).