Which DBZ Women Are You?
Which DBZ Women Are You?
Which Dragonball Z women are you?
Which Dragonball Z women are you?

Whose your favorite?
Whose Your least favorite?
Z Team?
Earth's in Trouble, what do you do?
Aw man, that was crazy right? Now what?
Whose getting the dragonballs?
Choose One of the Z Team...
Do you have a skill/hobby?
Do you have a vice?
Bulma (ブルマ, Buruma; lit. "Bloomers")
Goku's first friend. Bulma is the most significant female character in the series. Strong, Independent, Genius, Inventor, and unaccredited "founder: of the Z team apart from Goku.
"Somebody help me! I'm too young and pretty to die!"
— Bulma
Chi-Chi (チチ)
Tough and fierce personality, which sometimes causes her to have anger outbursts seen several times throughout the series. Despite this, she is a loving person. She is also one of earth's strongest female humans.
"Listen, all I'm asking you two to do is get your driver's license, it's not like I'm asking you to save the world."
— Chi-Chi (To Goku and Piccolo)
Videl (ビーデル)
Strong, Confident, and a skilled martial artist. She's one of the strongest female human (non-androids) apart from Chi-Chi and can be a bit headstrong, but has a good heart.
"I can't go out like this... I'm the daughter of Mr. Satan!"
— Videl
Launch (Blonde)
Launch (Blonde)
Launch (ランチ, Ranchi; lit. "Lunch")
She has a dual personality but blonde launch is
trigger-happy and outspoken women who is quick to respond with gunfire when angered. Neither of Launch's personalities remembers the other's actions, or anything they said.
"Ok, boys! Who's idea was this? Wanna dress me like a doll? Well then please don't forget... THE ACCESSORY MACHINE GUN!!!"
— Launch
Android 18 (人造人間18号, Jinzōningen Jū Hachi-Gō), Lazuli (ラズリ) Curious, strong, and hard to read. She was set on the soul mission of killing Son Goku but later deviates from this and fights along side the Z team and marries. She longs for the finer things in life.
"Whoever owns these clothes should have their optic sensors adjusted. They are obviously malfunctioning."
Launch (Brunette)
Launch (Brunette)
Launch (ランチ, Ranchi; lit. "Lunch"
A women with a split persona. Her brunette form is sweet, caring, and pure-hearted who puts her friends needs above her own.
Panchy Breifs
Panchy Breifs
The mother of Bulma, she is a sweet, overattentive women who tends to come off like she is unaware of her surroundings. However as the series develops she tends to favor the best in people and not judge them by others perceptions.
Mai (マイ)
Intelligent and a skilled fighter. She is a beautiful, calculating enemy who always resorts to weaponry and technology.
"Pilaf, may I remind you that we don't have time to shop today?"