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How Well Do You Remember Ace Ventura?

Ace Ventura may have started out as a sketch, but blew up into two major motion pictures, as well as a saturday morning cartoon. How much do your remember about this wacky Pet Detective?

Angel Gabrielli
Created by Angel Gabrielli
On Dec 15, 2015
1 / 15

Where does Ace live?

2 / 15

What is the name of the Dolphin's Mascot that is kidnapped in the first movie?

3 / 15

Which of the Miami Dolphins helped Ace during his investigation?

4 / 15

What heavy metal band did Ace attend a show for during the first film?

5 / 15

What is the clue/evidence Ace uses to find the kidnapper?

6 / 15

What did Ace fail to do in the beginning of "When Nature Calls", that caused him to join a Tibetan monestary?

7 / 15

What is the name of the fictional Tribe that Ace comes to help?

8 / 15

What is the name of the "sacred white bat" of the tribe?

9 / 15

What does Cadby (the bad guy) want with the sacred white bat?

10 / 15

What camouflage does Ace use on the vehicle he hides in for surveillance?

11 / 15

What is the tribal name given to Ace meaning "White Devil"?

12 / 15

What animal helps Ace escape from Cadby's mansion?

13 / 15

Who was Ace's first client in the cartoon?

14 / 15

What was the name of Ace's pet monkey?

15 / 15

Which other Jim Carey character had a cross-over into the Ace Ventura Cartoon?

Questions left
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