How Well Do You Remember The Gummi Bears?
How Well Do You Remember The Gummi Bears?
Bouncing here and there and everywhere!
Bouncing here and there and everywhere!
What do the Gummis call the hollow tree in which they live?
What is "Gusto" Gummi's real first name?
Which of these Bears is "Gruffi Gummi"?
Where do the good humans, like Calla, live?
Can you name this dastardly villain?
Can you remember what his ogres call him?
Which of these is the youngest Gummi?
This comedic little bad-guy is named "Toadwart", but everyone call him ...
Which of the following characters is "Sir Gawain"?
What do the villains want from the Gummis?
What possesion of Cavin's was given to his uncle by a Gummi?
Which Barbic Gummi was "Buddy"?
What effect does Gummiberry Juice have on Gummi Bears?
What about the effect of the Gummiberry Juice on humans?
Who is this old Gummi Bear?