What Time Of Day Are You?
What Time Of Day Are You?
Everyone feels more naturally active during a certain time of the day. What is your time? Would you be more dawn, morning, mid day, evening, dusk, or night?
Everyone feels more naturally active during a certain time of the day. What is your time? Would you be more dawn, morning, mid day, evening, dusk, or night?

Your friends say you are ...
True love is ...
Which of these colors do you like the most?
Night time is ...
What kind music do you like most?
Pick a hobby!
If you were an animal you would be ...
Do you like cartoons?
Do you prefer your hair long or short?
What time of day do you like the least?
Dawn is your time of day! When the sun is just creeping over the horizon, and it's glow spreads across the world. This is a time of calm and preparations. The darkness of night is slowly being taken over by the refreshing sunlight. You get emotional sometimes, but can always pick yourself up to begin the new day!
Your time of day is Morning! Just after dawn, when the sun has risen into the sky! It is brighter than dawn and evening, but not yet as hot as mid day. A time when birds are singing and the world is fully awakening. You are your best at this time of day. Your energy levels seem to peak during this time. It is hard to get you down, and even then you are always right back up just like that bright morning sky!
Mid Day
Mid Day
Mid Day is the time that fits you best! Everything in the world has been heating up and the sun is at the highest point in the sky. A time of day to get things done, even if that means taking a nap to prepare for the rest of the day! It is easy for you to stay focused once you get started on something, and a cloud may gray the skies for a while but you know the sun will always shine again.
Evening is your time of day! The heat of the day is fading and most of the work is done. The sun is slowly creeping towards the earth, and it creates a softer mood. You are kind and compassionate, and you enjoy spending your time relaxing with others. Your friends know that sometimes they keep you from getting down, but that you also do the same for them.
Your time of day would be Dusk! At this time the sun is fading against the distant horizon as night creeps upon the world. In this time many animals are settling in for sleep, while many others are just starting to become active. You are deeply attuned with your emotions, and it causes your best qualities to reflect on those around you.
Mid Night
Mid Night
Mid Night is your time of day! At this time the sun is nowhere to be seen, and the only light is that of the moon and stars. The nocturnal animals are fully active, as it seems you are. The sky seems larger and more expansive, and anything seems possible. You are a deep thinker and never hesitate to rethink your universe! Your friends sometimes see you as reserved, but they know you care deeply.