what superpower/magic power do you have?
what superpower/magic power do you have?
you may not know it but you have a unknown superpowers/magic powers! want to know what it is? play this quiz! new results!
you may not know it but you have a unknown superpowers/magic powers! want to know what it is? play this quiz! new results!

pick your favorite colour/colours.
how would your friends describe you?
what element do you connect to most?
whats your favorite type of game?
biggest fear?
pick your weapon.
good or evil
pick the activity you like the most.
what pet would you rather get?
mythical creature that most represents you?
the power of flight
the power of flight
congratulations! no go explore the skys. let your newfound power of flight lead you to many adventure in the future.
healing power
healing power
congratulations! you have the power of healing. you are very kind and love helping people.
fire breathing power
fire breathing power
this power can be a blessing or a curse. fire breathing. use it wisely.
telekinesis power
telekinesis power
ah, telekinesis. one of the most powerful and destructive powers. with great power comes great responsibility..
power of illusion
power of illusion
illusion, the power to create visions that only one person can see. perhaps a usefull tool for people who want to control.
power of the dream walker
power of the dream walker
maybe a blessing maybe a curse. the ability to when people are asleep in a certain distence from you can search and experience there dreams.
shape shifter
shape shifter
you are a shape shifter! you have the ability to chane into any animal you choose.
superhuman strength
superhuman strength
power of strength. remember to control your power. be careful. you may probubly be a jock.