Can You Match The Quote With The 'Grease' Character?
Can You Match The Quote With The 'Grease' Character?
We've all watched 'Grease' about 100 times! But can you tell us which character said what? Match the quote with the character! Take your time. Some are harder than others. Good Luck :)
We've all watched 'Grease' about 100 times! But can you tell us which character said what? Match the quote with the character! Take your time. Some are harder than others. Good Luck :)
“Men are rats, listen to me, they’re fleas on rats, worse than that, they’re amoebas on fleas on rats. I mean, they’re too low for even the dogs to bite. The only man a girl can depend on is her daddy.”
“She looks too pure to be pink!"
“A hickie from Kenickie is like a Hallmark card, when you only care enough to send the very best!”
“You’re cruisin’ for a bruisin.'"
“Why, this car is auto-matic. It’s system-matic. Its hyyyyydro-matic. Why, it’s greased lightning!”
“To you from me, Pinky Lee!”
“If you can’t be an athlete, be an athletic supporter.”
“You’re a fake and a phony and I wish I never laid eyes on you.”
“Tell me about it, stud.”
“We have pictures of you so-called mooners. And just because the pictures aren’t of your faces doesn’t mean we can’t identify you. At this very moment those pictures are on their way to Washington where the FBI has experts in this type of identification. If you turn yourselves in now, you may escape a federal charge.”