What TMNT character are you?

Find out who you are most like from TMNT. Find out if you are Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello or Michelangelo.

Created by Angel (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 3, 2017

In your failmy

What is your Favourite Colour

Do you have temper issues?

Rate your smartness (if thats evan a word.) (1=dumb 10= smart]

Would you do great as a leader?

How cray cray (crazy) are you?

How frequently would you train

How much would you sacrifice to complete your mission

What do you think about April?

What About Casey?

What weapon would you have

Would you rather be the leader or be the Strongest one in the group?

Would you rather be smart or be the fun one in the group?

Offence or Defence

Are you fast?

What are you describes you the most?

Finally this does not add any points to your finally answer i promise I just want to know who is your favorite?

You are Leonardo

You are Leonardo

The leader of the Turtles, Leonardo aspires to be a brave, decisive, perfect hero. Unfortunately, he's an inexperienced teen (for the moment at least) with three smart-aleck brothers. It's the gap between his aspiration and current situation that is the greatest source of frustration in Leo's life. He's the most driven of the four Turtles, training and studying relentlessly. He tends to be hard on himself, but his diligence does not go unnoticed; he is the favored student of Splinter, whose approval he very much craves.

You are Raphael

You are Raphael

Raphael is the most violent of the four brothers. A straight-up brawler, he has very little patience for things like stealth, hiding in shadows, or keeping his voice down. While he's fiercely loyal to his brothers, he's also often the one giving them a hard time. Raphael is also the one most likely to strike out on his own when he feels slighted or underappreciated. His closest confidante was his pet turtle named Spike. Raphael's temper can get the better of him, causing him to get into situations over his head.

You are Donatello

You are Donatello

Donatello is the team inventor and weaponeer. He creates all their gadgets from the simplest bo-staff to their incredible vehicles. He's utterly brilliant, able to cobble together fantastic stuff from things he's literally scrounged from a trash heap. He's obsessively detail-oriented and often impatient that his brothers can't keep up with him intellectually. But Donnie also happens to be the most reclusive and socially awkward of the Turtles - especially when April is on her way!

You are Michelangelo

You are Michelangelo

Physically the smallest of the Turtles and the least mature. Mikey is easily distracted and enthusiastic about... well, pretty much everything. He's also extremely creative. He has a thousand ideas, and every now and then, one of them will be brilliant. This combination of creativity and lack of focus gives him a kind of "flow" that the other Turtles cannot match. He's a social mutant and more than the others, pines to be part of the real world.

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