Which Age Is Your Brain Actually Stuck In?
Which Age Is Your Brain Actually Stuck In?
Age is just a number.
Age is just a number.

How will you react to your own mid-life crisis?
What does your daily beauty routine consist of?
How well do you manage life's many responsibilities?
Which character is wise in the way of words?
Which do you hope you'll never regret?
Choose the best coming-of-age film.
What do you see for future generations?
From where is the best knowledge gained?
5 Years Old
5 Years Old
Your brain is stuck at 5 years old! You have a young spirit with a thirst for life's greatest adventures. Some people may call you naive, but you just prefer to look on the bright side of things. You live without shame, take risks when it's worthy, and stand up for what you believe in with or without the company of others. After all, you can't learn new things everyday if you're afraid of taking chances!
13 Years Old
13 Years Old
Your brain is stuck at 13 years old! You look at world with a fresh set of eyes and an open mind. The thought of anyone or anything tainting your beautiful vision of what life should be makes you shutter, as you continuously pep yourself up with hope for the future and pride in what you can achieve. You may feel a little unsure of yourself times, but keep your head high and you'll conquer every obstacle thrown your way!
25 Years Old
25 Years Old
Your brain is stuck at 25 years old! You're mind is placed at interesting juxtaposition between responsibility and what seems fun. You make a sincere effort to live by the motto 'work hard, play hard', and you certainly refuse to give into complete adulthood before your ready. You have a certain spark that refuses to dull, and the shine that exudes from you is enough to keep you going for the long haul!
40 Years Old
40 Years Old
Your brain is stuck at 40 years old! You're settled and content with who you are a person, and more than satisfied with the choices you've made in your life. You've come to realize that happiness and health are far more important than material items. Taking care of others is a trait you've always excelled at, and your heart has grown big enough to the point that it just might explode!
50 Years Old
50 Years Old
Your brain is stuck at 50 years old! If you feel as if you're approaching a mid-life crisis, then it's best to relax and reflect upon what you've accomplished by this point in your life. You've made many great decisions, some of them very hard, but you've become an expert on what's right for you and your needs as a human. Besides, there's plenty of living and new things to do... and you're up for whatever comes your way!
65 Years Old
65 Years Old
Your brain is stuck at 65 years old! We have a feeling that you're an old soul, regardless of your physical age. You maintain a sense of calm and a level of insight that's certainly appreciated by others, but mostly, you appreciate yourself and your developed talents. You've reached a place where it feels better to be wise and well-rounded, which contributes to understanding of the world around you on such a profound level. Your opinions are your own and no one else's, created through personal experiences and lots of inquisition!