Which Movie Villain Is Your Evil Personality Type?
Which Movie Villain Is Your Evil Personality Type?
Because we all go a little mad sometimes.
Because we all go a little mad sometimes.

Which type of evil do you most identify with?
Your Evil Lair lies somewhere within...
Your childhood memories can be best described as...
What do people fear most about your physical appearance?
Your arch nemesis is typically a person who...
Which could motivate you to abandon your evil ways?
What's your mental weapon of choice?
How do you envision the future of the free world?
INTJ: The Evil Overlord
INTJ: The Evil Overlord
Just like Darth Vader, you are The Evil Overlord! You are a ruthless leader with active intelligence, ready to watch the world crumble at your feet. What you lack in logistics you make up for creatively, especially in the realm of complex situations and strategic planning. You rule with an iron fist and a hard head, even though you once had a soft spot and a penchant for doing good. Evil has its benefits though, and you'd rather have some fun on your way to world domination.
ENTP: The Mad Scientist
ENTP: The Mad Scientist
You are Hannibal Lector, The Mad Scientist! Your charisma is enough to catch the attention of even your greatest match, but your cognitive skills are sure to beat them in a battle of wits. Your a highly-skilled and organized researcher, who possesses the ability to execute a well-thought out plan to the tee, leaving no room for your enemies to get away. You may a bit too brutal in your method of conquer, but at least you know that those you defeat will not be returning for anymore action.
ENFJ: The Cult Leader
ENFJ: The Cult Leader
You are the classic Cult Leader, Lord Voldemort! You dream big and you think bold, never letting yourself stop from what you wish to achieve. In your mind, more is always better, and there's nothing in this world that you don't deserve and on your own terms. You have a psychological power over other people, making you just as dangerous as you are influential. You're specifically enlightened by alternative lifestyles and beliefs, they just happen to be a bit darker than most would assume.
ESTP: The Conman
ESTP: The Conman
You're best described as evil Conman, Tyler Durden! You happen to a great master of deception, and know how to take over the world in the most genius of ways. If no one can see you coming, then they'll never know they need to watch out for you. You can be your own worst enemy at times, but your drive to succeed outweighs the possibility of you getting caught in a lie. You may use your power for evil and pure gain, but you make life that much more interesting by failing to play by the rules.
INFJ: The Conspiracy Theorist
INFJ: The Conspiracy Theorist
You're best described as the evil Conspiracy Theorist, Loki! You are a mischevious entity that can't be held back the misguided truth. You are not easily fooled by those who play the role of the "good guy", and you would much rather take control of anything mistrustful and place responsibility in your hands. You know all and you certainly see all, and even if you have to split a few skulls you'll break free of your shackles no matter what the cost.
INTP: The Anarchist
INTP: The Anarchist
You are The Joker, a true evil Anarchist! You're a fine example of a man who just wants to watch the world burn. Why should rules and government regulations be hoisted upon modern-day adults? You'd love to witness a society based on survival of the fittest; a place where primal nature reigns and you're free to wreak havoc without consequence. If people can't hang with someone on your level of intelligence and intensity that's their problem, right?