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Which Disney Princess Shares Your Style?

Do you dress for the ball everyday, or usually just let it go?

Ashleigh Burns
Created by Ashleigh Burns
On Jun 4, 2015

How would you describe your style?

Choose a celebrity style icon

Your favorite print to wear is

Your favorite color to wear is

Your ideal afternoon is spent

The most important thing when it comes to fashion is

Your Disney spirit animal is

Choose your favorite Disney song

Choose a hairstyle



You and Belle share the same style! You know how to pull together the cutest casual outfits with minimal effort. When you go out on the town however, you dress to the nines. You love expressing your femininity through your fashion choices and always look clean and put together.

You have always believed in being yourself and expressing who you are despite adversity. You carry yourself humbly but you are also proud to be the lovely and intelligent woman that you are!



You have the same elegant style as Elsa from Frozen! You like classic, feminine and dramatic clothes. You like to keep it simple and don't take too many fashion risks. You are a reserved and guarded person, but you when you get really dressed up to go out you completely let go.



Rapunzel shares your style! You are flowery, feminine and flirty with your fashion choices. You like to experiment with new trends as well as retro ones. Your biggest form of expressing your look is how you do your hair. You are more of a minimalist when it comes to jewelries and accessories. You have an adorable innocence to you that everyone loves and you are a total social butterfly.



You have the same style as Pocahontas! You love prints and you have a very casual bohemian style. You are always wearing colorful pieces that express your creative spirit and connection to nature. You are sensual and intelligent and it totally shows in how you dress and the way you carry yourself!



You have the style of Princess Jasmine! You are feminine chic and love to dress on the edgy side. You like to experiment with big jewelry and exotic prints. You are fierce, confident charming with not only your fashion sense, but also how you carry yourself.



You have the style of Mulan! You are fierce, strong and sassy. You have a tomboyish style with some edgy feminine flare. You don't take too much time to get ready in the morning, you're not the type of girl to worry too much about following trends and looking perfect. You dress for comfort, but you still look great!

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