Which Hunger Games Career Tribute are you? (74th Hunger Games)
Which Hunger Games Career Tribute are you? (74th Hunger Games)
Let's see which epicly awesome Career Tribute you are most like! :D
Let's see which epicly awesome Career Tribute you are most like! :D

What is your weapon of choice?
What gender are you and what District are you from?
What color hair do you have?
You are Glimmer! She is the most beautiful of all the tributes. She is from District 1 and her weapon is a bow and arrows.
You are most like Marvel! Marvel is the average Career Tribute self-assured and played it as the funny type during his interview. Marvel is from District 1 and prefers spears as his weapon.
You got Clove!(my favorite HG character out of everyone) Clove is from District 2 and her weapon of choice is throwing knives. She is known to never miss her target. She is one of the most agile tributes in the games.
You are truly like Cato. Cato is the Career Pack leader and is the most cocky and arrogant out of all the tributes. He is from District 2 and prefers the machete he has as a weapon. Don't get in Cato's way!