Which EPCOT Center attraction are you?

Opening in 1982, the EPCOT Center served as a beacon of hope and futurism. Among it came many attractions, and in this quiz find out which one you are and why.

ASpoonfulofDisney .
Created by ASpoonfulofDisney .(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 5, 2016

Which best describes you?

Choose an Ideal Vacation

Choose a Time Travel Destination

What is your Favorite Disney Park?

Would you rather have a Greenhouse or a Pool?

What is/was your favorite school subject out of these listed?

What interests you more: The Car itself or How the Car works?

If you had the option to see a 3-D movie or a 2-D movie, which would you choose?

Do you believe man-made Global Warming is real?

Choose the product that interests you most:

Choose an environment to live in:

Last Question: are you someone who A) Fights for what they believe in or B) someone who stands back and watches



You are Horizons! You are a dreamer. You constantly think about making the world a better place and what the future is like. Not only do you have a serious side, but you also maintain an element of fun. Though you look to the future, you realize that the past is as important as well.

Spaceship Earth

Spaceship Earth

You are Spaceship Earth! You love to learn about the past, whether it be 10 years ago or 10 million years ago. You realize that through history and communication, we can learn from our mistakes and also our beginnings.

Journey into Imagination

Journey into Imagination

You are Journey into Imagination! You are a creative, outgoing person who is constantly bringing the fun out of even the most dull things. You see every chance as an opportunity, and use your creative side for the best. You have a large Imagination and constantly use it.

Living with the Land

Living with the Land

You are Living with the Land! You are fascinated by how things work, especially living things. You have a green thumb and probably have some sort of garden. You believe that with a little hard work, you can create the most brilliant things.

World of Motion

World of Motion

You are World of Motion! You have a craving of knowledge on how things work. You probably are a fan of cars, or mechanics in general. You have a creative side, but also a industrial thinking side to you. You use your gifts to your advantage, as you are probably good at fixing things.

Universe of Energy

Universe of Energy

You are Universe of Energy! You have a craving for knowledge about how things work, especially when things get scientific. You are concerned about ongoing issues like man-made global warming and such. Sometimes you have a creative side, but most of the time you use your wise thinking skills to your advantage.

Magic Journeys

Magic Journeys

You are Magic Journeys! You enjoy the simple, fun things of life, as you are a very whimsy person. You enjoy films, especially the 3-D ones. You believe that with a little imagination, you can accomplish anything.

Hydrolators/Sea Cabs

Hydrolators/Sea Cabs

You are the Hydrolators/Sea Cabs. You have a craving of knowledge about the unknown, especially anything to do with aquatics. You enjoy trips to the ocean and hobbies like scuba diving and such. You use your traits to your advantage, such as Exploration and Discovery.

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