How Long Will You Survive In The Wild?
How Long Will You Survive In The Wild?
Your plane has crashed in the Amazon Jungle and you are the only survivor. All communications are down and you know there is only a matter of time until you become desperate. How long will YOU survive in the wild?
Your plane has crashed in the Amazon Jungle and you are the only survivor. All communications are down and you know there is only a matter of time until you become desperate. How long will YOU survive in the wild?

Can you light a fire with two sticks?
Why can't you drink salt water?
Where is the best place to be stranded?
Can tigers climb trees?
Are vines strong enough to hold the weight of a human?
What does this map symbol mean?
Can you get water from putting a plastic bag on the end of a branch?
Can you get water by digging a hole, pinning some material over it then putting a stone on the material?
Can you get water by spitting in a box, closing it and leaving it in warm conditions?
You are being chased by a tiger in the jungle. What do you do?
Which is the most substantial den?
Make yourself at home!
Make yourself at home!
Make yourself at home! You're gonna be in the wild for as long as you need, whatever happens. You have a mind for problem solving, you're resourceful and you are good at making ethical decisions.
Now start making friends with the monkeys and off you go!
A week
A week
You could survive for about a week in the wild. You generally understand the laws of the wild and you are good at making ethical decisions. Just set up a den and hope help will come before the crocodiles.
A few days.
A few days.
You could survive a few days in the wild, but no longer than that. You just need to sit tight and hope help comes soon.
A couple of days.
A couple of days.
Sorry to tell you but the tigers are gonna get lucky. Just hope that help will come soon and that you are in a place e reasonably far away from big cats (and spiders. They just make you fall out of your tree)
You won't.
You won't.
Au'revoir Amie.
Be prepared to be eaten by a tiger.