Which Babylon 5 Alien Are You?
Which Babylon 5 Alien Are You?
Fellow fans of Babylon 5, I bring you the ultimate B5 Aliens Quiz.
"The Babylon Project was our last best hope for peace.... The year is 2258-2262. (5 seasons). The name of the place is Babylon 5."
By the way, this is my first quiz, so don't judge. Advice is welcome in the comments. Also this is the first of many Babylon 5 quizzes, so more good things to come!
Fellow fans of Babylon 5, I bring you the ultimate B5 Aliens Quiz.
"The Babylon Project was our last best hope for peace.... The year is 2258-2262. (5 seasons). The name of the place is Babylon 5."
By the way, this is my first quiz, so don't judge. Advice is welcome in the comments. Also this is the first of many Babylon 5 quizzes, so more good things to come!

The planet you'd like to live on is:
Which history sounds more appealing?
In a group, you are generally:
You have the choice of saving your friends knowing that everyone will be weaker forever or abandoning them knowing that everyone will be stronger. What do you do?
If your supervisor gave you an illegal order, would you follow it?
How do you feel about telepathy (ability to read minds)?
You are a Human! The newest major race, Humans have been eager to expand their sphere of influence. In so doing, they ended up in the Dilgar War, the Earth-Minbari War, the Shadow War, the Civil War, and most recently the Telepath War.
There are many Earth colonies, including Mars (which was granted independence), Proxima 3, Io, Arissia, and hundreds more. Although equal members of Earth society, non-Earth borns are considered inferior by most Earthers.
However, most other races realize the Humans' greatest strength: their differences. Humans form communities and find strength in their differences and are the key to the establishment of peace, because no other race could convince others to join forces and forget differences for a common cause. As Ambassador Delenn of Minbar says: "Humans form communities, and it is from that diversity comes a strength no single race can withstand. That is your strength and it is that which makes you dangerous."
You are Minbari! One of the oldest space-faring races, the Minbari are not a race you want to upset. There are three main castes: Worker, Warrior, and Religious. Most of the time, they don't agree on anything. When they do, it's a terrible thing, because they are a world gone mad, bent on achieving their goal no matter what. However, they are one of the best allies you could ever have.
Their world is the seventh planet from their sun, and at least 25% of it is covered by a polar ice cap. The cities are cut directly out of the planet's rich crystal deposits.
They do not believe in any god or gods, but rather that the soul is a "non-localized phenomenon". They believe that the physical body is only a shell and that the soul is projected in from somewhere else. Therefore they do not lie except to save another's honor, because it would taint the soul.
The Minbari surrendered on the eve of their victory in the Earth-Minbari War, because they discovered their souls were going to the Humans. To become a bridge of understanding between Humans and Minbari, Ambassador Delenn went through a chrysalis and became half Human. She now has hair, and only half of her headbone. She is also a descendant of their greatest spiritual leader Valen, and a former member of the ruling body the Grey Council.
You are Centauri! A major race, the Centauri were the first alien contact that Humans had. They were once a grand empire that ruled half the galaxy, but that was centuries ago. They are still, however, a marvelous culture. They once enslaved the Narns, a then primitive race, and only left after a civil war/ slave revolt that lasted one hundred years. There is still much hatred between the two races.
Centauri men wear their hair in crests. The higher the crest, the more important they are. Ambassador Londo Mollari's crest is therefore very high. However, women shave their heads leaving them only a single ponytail and sometimes no hair at all. This way they are not burdened with the constant boredom of social climbing. To Centauri, power and wealth are everything. If there is power or a profit to be gained, then you can bet the Centauri are in on it.
You are Narn! A newer major race, they were former slaves of the Centauri Republic. After a hundred years of rebellion, the Narns were finally free with a vengeance against any Centauri. Their world was strip-mined, and so the Narns became a warrior race, dedicated to conquering whomever they could to either get a supply source or to bother the Centauri.
Oddly, every Narn has red eyes. They like hot, desert-like climates, and their homeworld has a large amount of rocks, which are used from bedframes to dining room table and chairs.
They have several religious leaders/icons but no official god. There is G'Quan, G'Lan, and most recently G'Kar who is the ambassador to Babylon 5. The Narn will sometimes, as a way of revenge, declare a Shon'Kar, which is a blood oath. The Narn vows to kill a person(s) for revenge for a wrong-doing. If the first Narn should fail, it falls to the next family member to complete it, and so on and so on.
Although a generally violent race, they are also extremely loyal and a good ally to have on your side.
You are Vorlon! Mysterious and the stuff of legends, the Vorlons are one of the First Ones, and are vastly powerful. They traveled to over one thousand worlds, created telepaths on hundreds of worlds as cannon fodder for their war against the Shadows, and manipulated races to react well to them. Although they might seem cruel, they are a wise and powerful race, and they are seen as "Lords of Order". However, they do not ever seem to think of what may happen because of their actions. They created a jumpgate to Thirdspace and were nearly annihilated. Because they manipulated races, including Humans, to react favorably they are forced to stay inside their encounter suits to hide themselves. They do this because, if they don't, they would be "recognized by EVERYONE." They are beings of light and, according to Human culture, they are the closest things to angels. They are a powerful ally, but beware for they are more interested in their own goals than the goals of the entire army.
You are a one of the Shadows! The second oldest race, the Shadows are powerful and the exact opposites of Vorlons. The Shadows believe in helping evolution by creating wars and killing off the weaker races.
They are not called Shadows in their native tongue, although that is what everyone calls them, as their true name is over 10,000 letters long.
They are violent,cruel, and quite often ruthless. They never believe they are doing anything wrong, since they are "serving evolution". Although they have many allies already, never join them lightly or with little thought. It is a decision you will not survive.