Which One of the Main 'Club Penguin' Mascots are you Most Like?
Which One of the Main 'Club Penguin' Mascots are you Most Like?
Ready for some nostalgia? Or do you still play Club Penguin? Take this quiz to find out which one of the game's mascots you are mostly like! I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy in the result I'm afraid. All copyrights to Disney and Club Penguin. Enjoy!
Ready for some nostalgia? Or do you still play Club Penguin? Take this quiz to find out which one of the game's mascots you are mostly like! I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy in the result I'm afraid. All copyrights to Disney and Club Penguin. Enjoy!
What are your best traits?
What are your worst traits?
You're with friends. What do you do together?
What are your hobbies?
Which of these are you most likely to do abroad?
In your worst mood you are . . .
You feel most at home in what environment?
If your friend was feeling down, how would you give them your support?
What's your favourite day of the week?
Finally, how would you describe yourself?
Aunt Arctic
Aunt Arctic
DJ Cadence
DJ Cadence
Dot the Disguise Gal
Dot the Disguise Gal
Gary the Gadget Guy
Gary the Gadget Guy
Puffle Handler
Puffle Handler
Captain Rockhopper
Captain Rockhopper
The Sensei
The Sensei