Which Hatchling from The Angry Birds Movie Are You?

I have named the hatchlings and you get to see which hatchling you are!

Beckett Ace
Created by Beckett Ace (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 26, 2016

What make you angry?

The easter bunny-boy or girl?

Are you a leader or follower?

What do you love?

Which is cuter?



The white one.

You have a free spirit and you have great ideas. Sometimes, trouble finds you, but you always have a plan.



The green one.

You are a definite rule-abider. You love having fun and joy is your number one priority.



The brown one.

You may not always play by the rules, but you sure do have the mind of a genius!



The blue one.

You love things that make no sense and get weird sometimes. But what you lack in smarts, you make up for in loyalty.



The pink one.

Your dreams push you further. You love thinking about the future and can never stop dreaming.

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