What's Your Redneck Super Power?
What's Your Redneck Super Power?
From mud pit belly flops to possum huntin' x-ray vision, rednecks got super powers and we're damn proud. What's yours?
From mud pit belly flops to possum huntin' x-ray vision, rednecks got super powers and we're damn proud. What's yours?

Where are you from?
What's your gender?
Pick a TV show.
Choose a drink.
Which accessory best suits your personality?
Which of the following is your dream job?
What's your greatest weakness?
Which of the following is the biggest threat to America?
City life or country life?
Puke N' Rally
Puke N' Rally
Your redneck super power is puke n' rally! Hot damn you're the life of the party. Energetic, enthusiastic and wild you know how to have a good time. You party hard and can out drink the whole damn neighborhood. When you get too drunk, you don't let that stop you. Oh hell no! You puke n' rally and then go for another round of shots. Ain't nothin' goin' to stop you from tearing it up! You're hilarious, friendly and one heck of a dancer!
Mud Pit Belly Flop
Mud Pit Belly Flop
Your redneck super power is the mud pit belly flop! You are truly one of a kind. You have mastered the fine tradition of the belly flop! You're resourceful, athletic, skilled, and a rockstar at heart. You're a Redneck Games legend with your badass flop that could easily win you an Olympic gold medal!
Your redneck super power is couponin'! You're intelligent, resourceful and resilient. You know how to take lemons and turn 'em into lemonade! You scan the coupons every week and find the best deals out there. Your couponin' skills save your family thousands of dollars every month. You take great pride in living responsibly within your means! If only Obama and those clowns in Washington had your couponin' skills, this country wouldn't be such a damn mess!
Duck Tape Mechanic
Duck Tape Mechanic
.... THEN YOU'RE NOT USING ENOUGH! Your redneck super power is duck tape mechanics! You are the master handy man. There ain't nothin' that you can't fix with a little duct tape. You're strong, capable and hard working. You've graduated from the school of hard knocks and you're wise beyond your years. You've been fixin' things since before you can remember and you take great pride in your talents. With a little duct tape you can jimmy rig any damn thing. You're a natural born problem solver!
Wet T-Shirt Contest Champion
Wet T-Shirt Contest Champion
Your redneck superpower is the sexiest of them all! You're the wet t-shirt contest champion! You're smokin' hot! You draw lovers like moths to the flame with your bangin' body and natural charm. You can get just about anyone and anything you want with your sex appeal. You're a heartbreaking legend and we wouldn't be surprised if there were a couple of country western songs written about you! Now, throw on your favorite t-shirt and get a little wet, your fans are waiting!
Possum Huntin' X-Ray Vision
Possum Huntin' X-Ray Vision
Your redneck superpower is possum huntin' x-ray vision! You've got that redneck sixth sense and hunter's intuition that make you a possum's worst nightmare. You're a true adventurer at heart with the know-how to survive the wild. Heck, your fantasy would be gettin' as far away from civilization as possible and staking out your own quiet piece of the wild. You're independent, strong and a natural lone wolf. You don't have any patience of BS and you can see right through people. You're a hunter at heart, the wild is your oyster!
Miss Redneck Pageant Queen
Miss Redneck Pageant Queen
Bigger the hair, closer to God! Hot damn sweetie, your redneck super power is being a Miss Redneck pageant queen! You're drop dead gorgeous AND talented. You make the rest of us damn proud to be rednecks! Your class, style and charm all dominate the runway when you're fighting for the crown. You're a princess and you're hell bent on being treated like one. The spot light is on YOU and we're lovin' every second of it.