Which Elf From Tolkien's Works Are You?
Which Elf From Tolkien's Works Are You?
Most Elf polls give you results like Legolas, Galadriel, or Haldir. But dig into Tolkien's other works and see which one of the greats you are!
Most Elf polls give you results like Legolas, Galadriel, or Haldir. But dig into Tolkien's other works and see which one of the greats you are!

How good of a leader are you?
When were you born?
Where do you live?
Choose a pet.
How feared are you by your enemies?
Are you more talented in fighting or the arts?
What do you think of the races of Men and Dwarves?
What position are you in?
You have a chance to go to the Undying Lands. Will you go?
Who is your favorite Valar?
Preferred weapon?
A troope of orcs is coming and you're on your own. What do you do?
Congratulations! You got Ecthelion of the Fountain, mighty hero of Gondolin. Once guard of Gondolin, Ecthelion rose to defeat Gothmog, Lord of Balrogs, and, though his life was gone, he was a valiant Lord. Known for his superb music abilities, you're a combination of fighter and musician.
Congratulations! You got Ereinion Gil-galad, former High King of the Noldor. Ruler of all of Eriador at one point, this Elf of the Last Alliance was slain by Sauron himself. Constructing the best fortress since Gondolin, and with the best army, Gil-galad descended from Finwe himself. Blessed with Vilya, Ring of Air, and the most powerful Even ring, anyone would be proud to get this character.
Congratulations! You got Elrond Halfelven, lord of Imladris. Once herald of Gil-galad, Vilya was passed to him, and with his healing powers and safe haven of Rivendell, Elrond has not made light of his long year. Descendant of Luthien, Elrond chose a immortal life. Finally, when the Age of Men came about, he set off for the Undying Lands.
Congratulations! You got Elladan, son of Elrond! Elladan, brother of Elrohir, rescued his mother from the orcs that held her captive. He holds a deep grudge against orcs. Brave without a doubt, he was friends with Aragorn and often rode with the Dunedain.
Congratulations! You got Elrohir, son of Elrond! Elrohir, brother of Elladan, rescued his mother from the orcs that held her captive. He holds a deep grudge against orcs. Brave without a doubt, he was friends with Aragorn and often rode with the Dunedain.
Congratulations! You got Lindir of Rivendell! A Elf lord and ministrel, Lindir was Elrond's "right hand" so to speak. Known more for his lovely tunes than his sword, he could still hold his own.
Congratulations! You got Glorfindel the Golden-haired, slayer of the mighty balrog. A noble Elf of Gondolin, Glorfindel died slaying the beast, but was reincarnated.
Congratulations! You got Fingolfin, former High King of the Noldor. Strongest, most steadfast, and most valiant of Finwe's sons. He fought Morgoth alone, injured him permanently, and though was killed, is said to be one of the greatest kings the Noldo ever had.