Do You Think Like Forrest Gump According To The 17-Question Psychological Personality Test?
Do You Think Like Forrest Gump According To The 17-Question Psychological Personality Test?
Take this famous psychological personality test to discover whether you think like Forrest Gump.
Take this famous psychological personality test to discover whether you think like Forrest Gump.

Do you have a lucky number?
When you stare at the numbers 63407113, what do you see?
Do you have a specific mission in your life right now?
Do you consider yourself a bizarre person?
Do you usually strike up a conversation or wait to be approached?
Are you afraid of mice?
Does cold water weigh more than hot water?
Which of the following describes you more accurately?
How often do you do things you later regret?
How often do you worry?
How often do you avoid situations due to anxiety?
Do you know how many months have 28 days?
Is overwhelming military force the most effective way to fight terrorism?
On a typical night, when do you go to sleep?
Are you a hopeless romantic?
Are you a humble person?
In most cases, do hard work and perseverance guarantee success?
Congratulations!! You think just like Forrest. You are literally a genius!
Congratulations!! You think just like Forrest. You are literally a genius!
According to the psychological personality test, you think like Forrest Gump. Just like Forrest, you're driven by insatiable curiosity. You enjoy your own company, and you're sensitive to your surroundings. You're an abstract thinker. You have developed a unique ability to concentrate, as well as unique problem solving skills. A risk-taker, you invite at least some chaos into your life, and tend to keep your eyes and mind open. Like most geniuses, you're not afraid to make mistakes, and therefore you produce a lot of non-genius work. You know that in order to dream up brilliant ideas, one must go through a long, draining process of disappointments. You're an introvert and an explorer. You're open to new experiences, and you practice diffused attention. You possess a rare capacity to view obstacles as opportunities, and to act upon them quickly and courageously.
If you believe the analysis is spot-on, let us know in a comment below, and share the quiz with every Forrest fan you know.
You do not think like Forrest Gump.
You do not think like Forrest Gump.
You do not think like Forrest Gump. Nevertheless, you must be an awesome extrovert. You are somewhat eccentric, and you see yourself as an outsider. You are good at "connecting the dots", and have sudden bursts of inspiration. Share the quiz with every Forrest fan you know.