Which Teletubby Are You?
Which Teletubby Are You?
Which character are you from this sweet TV show?
Which character are you from this sweet TV show?

what's your favorite color?
what's your favorite weather?
If you were in Las Vegas, how would you spend your time?
Choose a plant to grow in your garden!
What's the best city?
Which TV show would you like to host the most?
You're Tinky Winky!
You're Tinky Winky!
You're the largest and oldest of the group! You always take care of your group and lead them towards happiness!
You're Dipsy!
You're Dipsy!
You're green and named after your antenna, which resembles a dipstick! You're the most stubborn of the Teletubbies and occasionally refuse to go along with the others' group opinion.
You're Laa-Laa!
You're Laa-Laa!
You're yellow and have a curly antenna. You're very sweet, like to sing and dance, and you're often looking out for the other group mates.
You're Po!
You're Po!
You're the shortest and youngest. You're red and have an antenna shaped like a stick used for blowing soap bubbles. You normally speak in a soft voice, and you're the cutest of all of your team members.