Are You More Kian Or JC?

Which of this YouTube duo are you more like?

Created by Amplify (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017

Choose a hairstyle

Pick a challenge

Pick a game

Pick a career



You're more like Kian! You're adventurous and love expressing yourself in many different ways. You can always be counted on to do something unexpected and change up your look.
You're guaranteed to win most of the challenges and olympics.



You're more like JC! You're quieter and keep more to yourself, but you're still a little bit crazy! Your fashion is wild, but you never let it get too out of control. Sometimes people think your head's in the clouds, but really you're just thinking about your next big adventure.

You're also always a shoe in to be thrown into the pool!

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