What descendants character are you?
What descendants character are you?
Wondering what descendants character you are? Take this quiz and you'll find out!
Wondering what descendants character you are? Take this quiz and you'll find out!
Favorite subject?
What parent would you want?👫
Favorite color? Sorry probably like everybody ask you this.
What would describe you?
Pick a word❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗
Congratulations! Your mal you love to draw. You may be a bit feisty but you're always there for your friends sometimes you hide the fact that you're really nice but your closest friends can see the real side of you.
Yay! You are Evie you love designing and I love you love love so you are very nice sweet girl smart very smart but you kind of hide your smartness because you don't want to look like a geek you are kind of obsessed with being popular but even if you weren't obsessed you would be popular.💄
Yay! you are Audrey you love to cheer and you have a thing for fashion you can be a bit bossy and kind of a brat but another time you really nice.
You can overreact at times but you have your friends back.
Hooray! You are jay. You have a lot of skills and good sportsmanship you like video games or playing outside there's nothing like a good victory pizza!
You are lying you are happy you love to dance and pretty much anything happy. You are a great friend and have many people that have your back and you have there you are very popular but not because you're mean sometimes they are ashamed of your looks but you never keep your head down.
Urg kind of shy smart and always look in the mirror and think something bad. But all of your friends always find a way to make you feel better and you know that keeping your head down and the wrong thing to do.
Here comes technology freak. You are Karlos you love video games technology well anything to do with that you also love dogs he loves to snuggle and again video games. 👑 of 💻📱📺
You are bad smart nice the whole package you're super popular but you don't take it in and you nice to anyone even the new villain kids.😀