Test: Choose a Door a​nd We’ll Reveal Your True Personality

People are like doors — they hide entire worlds of their own behind an unremarkable exterior.

Bright Side
Created by Bright Side (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 10, 2017

Pick a door

Pick another door

Mr. Gatsby's villa

Mr. Gatsby's villa

Behind your door hides the incredibly expansive home of a person who could organize parties just like those of Mr. Gatsby. But you don't simply enjoy good company, celebrations, and happy times - you're also the kind of person who can create that special atmosphere all by yourself. Your home is suitably luxurious for someone who seeks to demonstrate to others how wealthy and successful they are. But at the same time, your door is open practically all the time to anyone who needs your help.

A hotel suite

A hotel suite

The door opens, and we see a comfortable luxury hotel suite with a minimalistic style. Everything we see is simple, comprehensible, and, above all, functional. You have just this one room, where everything is neatly kept in its place and where there are numerous bookshelves and pieces of the latest technology. It's clear that this is the abode of an erudite if pedantic individual. A stranger would probably be afraid to so much as sit down for fear of upsetting the order of things and earning a reprimand from you.

A gallery

A gallery

Your door opens to reveal a narrow hallway leading to a multitude of rooms. Inside and out, they're all distinguished by their originality. It seems like the main purpose of your home is to impress and surprise. Each room is unique, and as a whole your home could be studied by outsiders for hours on end, in the same way a person might go through a gallery. You love it when people look at and admire your home, which is why you always have lots of guests.

A door to another dimension

A door to another dimension

Having stepped over the threshold of your door, your guests feel as though they've stumbled into a different era. Everything around them screams that you were born in the wrong place and the wrong time - the carved furniture, the obscure paintings, the kerosene lamps, the crossed swords attached to the wall. But few people will ever glimpse such finery, as getting through your doorway is extremely difficult - you very rarely open it, despite the persistent knocking.

The factory floor

The factory floor

Virtually any guest would be dumbfounded by what they would see behind your door, unless their personality is similar to your own - for nothing less than the interior of a factory is hidden inside. A huge conveyer belt, hundreds of machines, all of them working in unison like one vast mechanism. And you control all of it, without letting the process ease up for a second. Anyone who wishes for a rest would be ejected from your abode very swiftly. Perhaps it would be a good idea to have at least one corner where people can get away from the noise and activity?

A dingy old room

A dingy old room

Behind your impressive door - to everyone's amazement - there's nothing but an empty, dusty, old room, where there's absolutely nothing to do. Any guests immediately understand that they had the wrong impression as to what might lie behind your exterior. Perhaps it's worth spending some time putting it into better shape?

A fortress

A fortress

Behind your door there's a real fortress that not even the most determined tyrant could ever break into. The only people allowed here are those who've completely earned your trust. But when they do come in, they'll see endless reserves of ammunition and schemes for conquering new heights.

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