What Were You In A Previous Life?
What Were You In A Previous Life?
Take this quiz to see what you used to be in a previous life!
Take this quiz to see what you used to be in a previous life!
What's your sign?
What type of kid were you?
What's your biggest phobia?
Which word best describes you?
Do you remember your first kiss?
When do you experience deja vu?
Do you remember things but you're not sure if they ever really happened?
Which picture sparks a memory?
Pick your favorite Disney character.
Do you remember the first question of this quiz?
You have an adventurous soul! You may have noticed your love for traveling, music, dancing, or even just being alone. You may feel a strong connection with the spirit world—but that’s normal for fortune-telling gypsy as yourself! You live life with a free-spirit, letting nothing and no one holding you back.
Native American
Native American
Fierce, strong-willed, and yet peaceful, you were a Native American Indian in your past life! You are crafty and adventurous. Sometimes you are superstitious or rely heavily on spiritual and religious practice to please the gods you worshiped. Family and relationships are important to you, as well as putting your artistic skills to use to provide for yourself and those you love.
English Royalty
English Royalty
Imagine kicking back on your throne, feasting on the finest flavors the world has to offer, basking in your richest, and letting the plebeians do the dirty work for you. Life on your high horse was good, no?
Eygptian Royalty
Eygptian Royalty
Three words to describe you: ambitious, influential, and a risk-taker! You have always been good with persuading others to follow in your step. Leadership skills flow through your veins! You are very clever, well-educated, and sometimes ruthless—but what kind of ruler wasn’t?
As a farmer, you were always a team player. You did whatever it took to get the job done. You were known to be dependable and sensitive to everyone’s needs. Not only were you a reliable source, but you also had an eye for detail which is what has made you so popular. Good person, good resources, good products—way to go!
Sly, sarcastic, & selfish: the 3 S’s to become a pirate! You’re aggressive, yet good in battle. You like the freedom of doing whatever you want to get your way. You’re an excellent navigator, but aren’t the brightest bulb in the bunch. It’s probably because you’re heavily drinking all the time!
Honor, strength, and loyalty--these are words you live. In the past, such ideas were tested in the arena against ruthless animals and peers. But you always stood victorious, be proud of your harrowing feats!
Being a hippy is about free spirit, free love and sex, experimentation, rejection of the materialistic, love of the earth and environment, love for your brother and care for fellow man unselfishly. Drug experimentation with hallucinogenic drugs was a specific interest of the hippies also, but we’re not judging here! The original hippies were really all about breaking conventional values and doing their own thing and they had lots of love and an open minded nature.