How Well Do You Know Your "Harry Potter" Trivia?
How Well Do You Know Your "Harry Potter" Trivia?
Challenge your family and friends (witches, wizards, muggles, and squibs alike) with these particularly perplexing Potter trivia questions!
Challenge your family and friends (witches, wizards, muggles, and squibs alike) with these particularly perplexing Potter trivia questions!

1. Who are Harry’s two best friends?
2. What house did Luna Lovegood belong to?
3. When is Harry’s birthday?
4. Which of these is not a horcrux?
5. What did Dumbledore teach before he became headmaster?
6. Who is not a head professor for a Hogwarts house?
7. What is the name of Harry’s owl?
8. What kind of broomstick does Harry first get?
9. What animal does Hermione own?
10. Name Hermoine’s pet?
11. What are Dumbledore’s five names?
12. What is the name of the Transfiguration teacher?
13. What does Hagrid use instead of a wand?
14. What does Harry eat to be able to breathe underwater?
15. What is the name of the little village near Hogwarts?
16. What do the children drink at The Three Broomsticks pub?