What should your future career be?
What should your future career be?
This test is not a test for fun. This test is a serious test meant to identify your personality and then suggest future career(s) for you. You do NOT have to go into the career field that this test suggest. It is strongly recommended that you answer all questions 100% correctly if you intend to listen to your result(s).
This test is not a test for fun. This test is a serious test meant to identify your personality and then suggest future career(s) for you. You do NOT have to go into the career field that this test suggest. It is strongly recommended that you answer all questions 100% correctly if you intend to listen to your result(s).

What is your gender?
Choose one word below that best describes you.
How old are you. (If under 18, select 18-29.)
Select your country, if not listed click "N/A"
Are you extremely religious?
Do you enjoy the concept of science?
Are you into any sort of technology?
Do you know how to cook really well?
How physically fit are you? (This will affect your results.)
Choose your favorite indoor activity.
Choose your favorite outdoor activity.
Do you have any health issues that might not be cured within the next 4 years?
Can you run a mile?
Do you enjoy cars or motorcycles?
Would you be interested in learning how to fix vehicles?
Would you say you're well adjusted mentally?
Do you mind a tough challenge?
1. Would you rather make more money or 2. Have a job that you like better?
Are you colorblind?
Do you get homesick if you're away from home too long?
Are you afraid of bugs?
Are you determined or serious?
Are you logical?
Are you more of an indoor person or an outdoor person?
If you saw your friend get shot, you would?
Are you a picky eater?
Sorry this is taking a while, we are just trying to gather some information about you.
Have you ever been in an airplane or chopper?
Is gaming good?
What is your goal?
Which do you like better, Software (Operating system), or Hardware (Physical part of things)?
On a scale 1-10, how much do you know about vehicles?
On a scale 1-10, how much do you know about the way video games are made?
On a scale 1-10, how much knowledge do you have on weapons?
Pick: 1. Build a computer industry or 2. Own a business.
In an emergency, pick your roll.
Out of these careers, which would you choose (NOTE: RESULT MAY BE SIMILAR BUT WILL BE DIFFERENT)
Medical Field
Medical Field
Your results show that you would make a good doctor or scientist due to your passion or understanding in science.
Mechanic or Engineer
Mechanic or Engineer
You are very good working with your hands and should become an engineer or mechanic. Your passion lies in hardware rather it be computer hardware or car hardware, you are the one to fix it.
Software engineer or Computer scientist
Software engineer or Computer scientist
You have a passion in technology. That is what you like. Rather or not your educated doesn't matter for you even though it it strongly recommended you get education. You can learn how to code fluently within a year or two of your best work and hardest effort.
Military Career
Military Career
You are a very patriotic person dedicated to serving your country. You are also brave and even though war can be scary for everyone, you are willing to do it simply because you have a heart and would die for anyone. It's just who you are. Your results show that you should ONLY serve for the United States or an ally of the United States.
Police Officer or Firefighter
Police Officer or Firefighter
You're a brave person. You have what it takes to save others lives. You should also consider becoming a soldier or a marine due to your braveness.
You enjoy food. You are someone who is so picky about the taste of food that you decide to take things into your own hands and cook your own food.
Hmmm. We can't decide. Please retake this test and make sure to answer all questions correctly.
The BOSS of a job.
The BOSS of a job.
Your answers were quite confusing for the test to figure you out. But, based on your answers we think you would make a good boss, even if you are on the quiet side, you still are the boss. CONGRATS!