Which Millennial Trend Fits Your Orientation Camp Persona?
Which Millennial Trend Fits Your Orientation Camp Persona?
Let’s Get Quizzical, Quizzical For This Year’s Camp
Let’s Get Quizzical, Quizzical For This Year’s Camp
Why did you apply to join the Orientation Camp?
You arrive at the registration point on the first day. What do you do?
"Your name, and one interesting fact about yourself." What's your interesting fact?
Your Orientation Group Leader offers to buy supper for everyone. What do you do?
A senior has decided to violate the sacred regulations of OSA (how dare she!) and made you touch your Secret Partner in some secret places. What do you do?
It's 8pm and it's Social Night. Your Orientation Group mates are hitting the dance floor. What do you do?
What is one word that sums you up?
The (Instagram) Stories
The (Instagram) Stories
You cannot stop talking about your oh-so-interesting life. You feel the overwhelming compulsion to share a compelling story just to prove your rabak-ness. Nobody actually cares about the time you went to Taipei and got really hammered after downing half a bottle of absinthe and made out with three girls, two guys and four cats. And just like Instagram Stories and Snapchat, everyone will forget these anecdotes after 24 hours. Or less.
The Fidget Spinner
The Fidget Spinner
You seem really fun and interesting upon first impression, but everyone will soon find out that you’re just mechanical and pointless. Why are you even in the camp in the first place? You seem to be in the habit of going around in circles during conversations as well. And just like that, you will go away as quickly as you came, ghosting your Orientation Group once the camp is over.
The Uber
The Uber
You are the one who will be a little too eager to help fill bottles, to carry everyone’s drawstring bags, and tank just about all the miscellaneous saikang that needs to be done during camp. At first, you will be lauded by everyone for being so helpful. As the camp wears on, you will be taken for granted and ridden around until your implodes under your own burden that you have created.
The Artisanal Café
The Artisanal Café
You look like the human equivalent of truffle fries garnished with farm-fresh parmesan. You with your instagram-worthy washboard abs/ bikini beach body, and a face that could only have been carved by angels. You are everyone’s obvious shag-option in the totally not-objectifying-real-persons-game of Shoot-Shag-Marry. And then you start opening your mouth and people realise that you’re just as empty as the carbohydrates in the aforementioned truffle fries. Putting the 'anal' into 'artisanal' here.
The Poorly-Executed Hollywood Remake
The Poorly-Executed Hollywood Remake
You look so old that someone mistook you as someone from the Office of School Affairs who came down to do a surprise spot check. You are the incessant senior who keeps coming back for camps year after year even though you have long graduated. Perhaps you just need a reason to feel young and alive once more, however pathetic the reason may be. And somehow, each subsequent iteration of you pales in comparison to the one before. Just stop already, they beg.