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QUIZ: How well do you know Orange is the New Black?

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Created by buzz.ie (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 23, 2017
1 / 20

There are no gentle starts in prison, so no easy first question for you. Who created Orange is the New Black?

2 / 20

What's the name of the minimum security penitentiary where the show is set?

3 / 20

Who sings the stuck-in-your-head opening credits song 'You've Got Time'?

4 / 20

Which US state are the inmates incarcerated in?

5 / 20

True or False: The area of Litchfield is a real place.

6 / 20

One of the OITNB writers, Lauren Morelli, recently married one of the cast members. Which one?

7 / 20

Scary Movie 2 had a famous 'Exorcist' parody, complete with a possessed little girl. Which OITNB actress is this?

8 / 20

Everyone loves a good backstory. What was Rosa's crime?

9 / 20

What put Sophia Burset behind bars?

10 / 20

What does Big Boo's infamous (and real-life) arm tattoo say?

11 / 20

In Season 3, Dayanara gives birth to her and Bennett's ______?

12 / 20

What's Pornstache's real character name?

13 / 20

Why is Tiffany 'Pennsatucky' Doggett in prison?

14 / 20

What's the name of Piper's brother, who eventually helps her run a panty-selling business?

15 / 20

What was Taystee's real name before Vee encouraged her to go by her nickname?

16 / 20

Where was Poussey living when she developed a relationship with an army commander's daughter?

17 / 20

What nickname did Suzanne 'Crazy-Eyes' Warren give to Piper when she wanted to be her prison wife?

18 / 20

Which musical is Morello obsessed with, even having a poster of the show on her bedroom wall in the outside world?

19 / 20

Which OITNB actress surprisingly played a memorable role in Star Trek: Voyager?

20 / 20

This woman is seen crying every time Piper is on the phone. What do we discover is the main reason behind her tears?

Questions left
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