How Well Do You Know The Vampire Diaries?
How Well Do You Know The Vampire Diaries?
Test your knowledge of the vampires, werewolves, and witches in TVD!
Test your knowledge of the vampires, werewolves, and witches in TVD!

In Season 1, which vampire brother does Elena fall in love with first?
In Season 1, how does Bonnie first show Elena her magical powers?
Vicki Donovan is turned into a vampire by Damon and staked by Stefan in Season 1. Despite being staked, how many times does Vicki reappear in the show?
Once Elena becomes a vampire, how do they explain her sudden attraction and desire for Damon?
Paul Wesley's current real-life love played which character on the show?
Which character was able to see dead people and cheated on his girlfriend with a ghost?
Who did Lady Gaga's boo Taylor Kinney play in Season 2?
When Nina Dobrev decided to leave the show, how did her character get written off the show?
Which original did Caroline get it on with?
Why do vampires love bourbon so much?