These 21 Questions Can Determine Whether You're Brilliant, Average Or Dumb
These 21 Questions Can Determine Whether You're Brilliant, Average Or Dumb
Are you really as smart as you think? Let's find out!
Are you really as smart as you think? Let's find out!

Pick the number that doesn't belong
Pick the color that doesn't belong
Pick the country that doesn't belong
Pick the city that doesn't belong
Pick the word that doesn't belong
Pick the metal that doesn't belong
Pick the profession that doesn't belong
Pick the shape that doesn't belong
Pick the animal that doesn't belong
Pick the religion that doesn't belong
Pick the painting that doesn't belong
Pick the genius that doesn't belong
Pick the author that doesn't belong
Pick the food that doesn't belong
Pick the movie that doesn't belong
Pick the novel that doesn't belong
Pick the sign that doesn't belong
Pick the flower that doesn't belong
Pick the fruit that doesn't belong
Pick the singer that doesn't belong
Pick the actor that doesn't belong
Based on your answers, we found that you're absolutely BRILLIANT! You're often caught up in your immediate pursuits, which you attack vigorously and with determination and when it looks like your intuitions might be leading you astray, you don’t have a problem overriding them. You're good at working with numbers and are adept at putting your skills to use while solving problems in all sorts of real world situations. You don’t waste a lot of emotional energy fretting about the future. Instead, you focus on getting the most out of life right now.
Based on your answers, we found that you possess an average brain. This means that you, like most people, consume information on a daily basis but don't tend to pay too much attention to it, resulting in somewhat clouded memories, especially when you need to recall specific information or detail. Try being more mindful in your day to do day life and notice the change in the way you take in information.
Based on your answers, we found that your brain is quite scattered. You tend to be quite impatient and prefer to take your chances and guess instead of taking a moment to try and remember the answer. You're quite creative and often let your mind wonder. You prefer to contemplate than take in specific information. You're not a big fan of standardized testing as you don't much enjoy memorizing information that you find is irrelevant to your life. You have that special knowledge that gets you ahead in life! You know exactly how to get along with all kinds of people, you are confident, funny, and you have killer instincts.