The Chestbursting A L I E N Quiz
The Chestbursting A L I E N Quiz
Quize based on the classic SF film, Alien.
Quize based on the classic SF film, Alien.

Before it was called Alien, would have had the title:
The ship's crew are employed by a business that mainly seems to sell murder and space fascism. But can you remember the company's name?
What's the name of the Nostromo's computer?
Where do they find the alien?
This ugly fella is the first alien the crew come across on their travels. It's unnamed in the film, but what was it known as behind the scenes?
The alien (or "xenomorph" if like reading the spin-off media) is the only acting role of one Bolaji Badejo. But what was his day job?
In Space, no-one can hear you scream" is the movie's most famous tagline. Which of these were also used to advertise Alien?
Shortly before he turns out to be a robot, Ash decides to suffocate Ripley to death. How does he do this?
How does the crew's alien tracking device work?
The cat is the only character in this film not to eventually be killed by an alien (even Ripley is impregnated by a queen by Alien 3). What is the name of this born survivor?