What Sherlock Character are You?
What Sherlock Character are You?
Everyone loves a cup of tea and a little bit of BBC's Sherlock. But do you ever wonder which character shares your personality?
Everyone loves a cup of tea and a little bit of BBC's Sherlock. But do you ever wonder which character shares your personality?

Which House do you Belong in?
You consider yourself to be...
What is your Divergent faction?
Choose the place where you would like to be.
Choose your spirit animal
Choose your element
Choose 3 words that describe your personality
What does your apartment/ house/ bedroom usually look like?
Last question, you see a dead man lying on the street, what do you do?
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
You are Sherlock Holmes. You are absolutely brilliant and unpredictable. Your are constantly noticing and thinking about every detail. Sometimes your brain moves faster then others; which can cause them to make assumptions about personality that are extreme. Own the fact that your personality aligns with the world's most well known literary detective.
John Watson
John Watson
You are John Watson. Undeniably brave, perfectly loyal, and beautifully compassionate are only parts of your complex personality. You have the rare ability to take anyone, no matter how rough around the edges, under your wing. You are a person that is sometimes under appreciated, but you should be admired by everyone. Own the fact that you have one of the most wonderful personalities a person can have.
Mycroft Holmes
Mycroft Holmes
You are Mycroft Holmes! You are responsible, law-abiding, manipulative, and controlling. You are secretly compassionate, but that rarely shows because of your protective shell. Your motives and means are sometimes unknown even though they are usually good. Own the fact that you can see the logic in everything and use it to your advantage.
You are Moriarty. The fabulous, ultra evil super villain. You are positively ruthless in all situations. Killing for you is a game you play. Own the fact that you are probably the most fabulous person person that has ever existed. And honey we should've seen you in a crown!
Irene Adler
Irene Adler
You are Irene Adler. That means you are wonderfully fabulous, brilliant, and insane. You make a game out of messing with minds. Especially brilliant minds. You are probably the only person in existence that is an intellectual equal of Sherlock. Even if you don't show it you are always thinking. Own everything about your fabulous self.
Mrs. Hudson
Mrs. Hudson
You're Mrs. Hudson! You're quite literally as sweet as pie. Everybody no matter their personality is welcome into you're life. You're a lover not a fighter. Own the fact that your unbelievable loveliness is rare and beautiful!
Molly Hooper
Molly Hooper
You are Molly Hooper. Sweet, intelligent, and lovable are three words that mostly sum up your personality. People are inclined to like you. You're always there to support anybody, even if they don''t respect you as much as they should. People sometimes underestimate how intelligent you really are. Own the fact that you are a beautiful, lovable person with a wonderful mind.
Mary Watson
Mary Watson
You are Mary Watson. You are supportive and positive although your actions and past can come off as mysterious and questionable. Often people will wonder if you have an unknown motive. However, what we know about you points to you being a wonderful human being. Own your positivity and make sure you love well because you are good at it.