What Book Character Are You?
What Book Character Are You?
Have you ever wondered what character you were from The Great Gatsby, Slaughterhouse 5, Macbeth or The Road? If you said yes, then take this quiz!
Have you ever wondered what character you were from The Great Gatsby, Slaughterhouse 5, Macbeth or The Road? If you said yes, then take this quiz!

Describe your Saturday night
You find out your significant other has another lover. What do you do?
The world is ending, what do you do?
Someone is talking about you behind your back. What do you do?
You get into a car accident. What do you do?
You're throwing a party. Why?
You get put into an awkward situation. How do you react?
You aren't happy with your girlfriend/boyfriend. What do you do?
You're being yelled at. What do you do?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Daisy Buchanan
Daisy Buchanan
You are Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby! You have a voice full of money and you are liked by many. You may make people believe that you are a carefree person and that you are a fool, but in reality, you are very wise. You are very aware of your surroundings and you do what you want to do, not what others tell you to.
Nick Carraway
Nick Carraway
You are Nick Carraway from The Great Gatsby! You are mysterious and never stay in one spot for too long. You may not be the most reliable in relationships because you leave when things get too serious. You’re quick to judge even though you think you aren’t. You are simple and straightforward.
Jay Gatsby
Jay Gatsby
You are Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby! You will go to great lengths to make a name for yourself and will do anything to uphold that reputation. When you find that special someone, you’ll do anything to get them and keep them. You have many friends, yet you have none.
Billy Pilgrim
Billy Pilgrim
You are Billy Pilgrim from Slaughterhouse Five! You are a free spirit because you know that you can’t change what has already happened or is happening. You embrace what may come your way and you may feel that you are always performing, even if no one is watching. The world is your stage!
You are the Boy from The Road! You don’t say much but when you do say something, everybody listens. You are a follower more than you are a leader. You don’t like conflict and you respect your parents and other authority figures. You realize that everything you do has consequences and you adjust accordingly.
You are Macbeth from Macbeth (A.K.A The Scottish Play)! You will do ANYTHING it takes to get to the highest position you can be in. You will stop at nothing to get where you want to be and you don’t care who you might hurt in the process. You can be cocky and arrogant at times. You feel invincible when faced with something horrible.
Jordan Baker
Jordan Baker
You are Jordan Baker from The Great Gatsby! You are a very competitive person on the inside and out. You want to be the best at everything you do. You aren’t quick to trust and you are described as cynical. You take your time to get to know a person and the relationships you have with people are bonds that will last a lifetime.