QUIZ: Which Fifth Harmony Era Are You?
QUIZ: Which Fifth Harmony Era Are You?
With three Fifth Harmony eras in the arena, which one fits you to a tea? Find out by taking this amazingly tough quiz!
With three Fifth Harmony eras in the arena, which one fits you to a tea? Find out by taking this amazingly tough quiz!
Which Fifth Harmony debut era single, is your favorite?
Which of the following genre combinations is your favorite?
Which of the following collaborative artists has been your favorite so far?
Which of the following ballads is your go to song?
Which of the following songs do you love hearing the MOST in acoustic form?
Pick your favorite music video from the following so far!
Choose your favorite album song from the following.
Choose your favorite promo single from the following.
Which song deserved (deserves) to be a single?
Which collaborative music director has been your favorite so far?
Better Together Era
Better Together Era
You are the blossoming era that gave Fifth Harmony their first debut single of their career. The era that pretty much set up the girls' success. Come on, there's no shame in having 'Miss Movin' On' on repeat now is there?
Reflection Era
Reflection Era
You're in the 'BO$$' zone and love the up level confidence of this era. It was a total new move for Fifth Harmony and it was all 'Worth It' in the end.
7/27 Era
7/27 Era
You my friend, are the latest era: The 7/27 era. An era that speaks maturity and the celebration of ultimate girl power. You're proud, you're humble, and don't mind jigging it to 'That's My Girl' time and time again.