Are You Ready for Pointe?
Are You Ready for Pointe?
Even if you aren't a ballet dancer, you can still find out how strong your feet really are and if you're capable of being en pointe if you take this quiz!
Even if you aren't a ballet dancer, you can still find out how strong your feet really are and if you're capable of being en pointe if you take this quiz!
How often do you sickle your foot? (Look it up if you're not familiar with this word).
Out of the following photos, which one relates to your arch the most?
What level are you in ballet? Or would be, from your best guess. This includes pre ballet, then levels 1+.
How long have you been doing ballet?
Rate your foot line on a scale of 1-10.
Which fact is true about pointe shoes?
You ARE Ready for Pointe!
You ARE Ready for Pointe!
You ARE ready for pointe! You're probably either already en pointe, a dancer not quite en pointe, or just a non-dancer with really strong feet! If you are planning to go en pointe, just make sure you NEVER sickle your feet, and always point them! Anyways, if you are going en pointe, good luck, and be prepared for blisters and blood.
Sorry, but no...
Sorry, but no...
Sorry, but your feet can definitely NOT handle pointe shoes! We're guessing you are not a ballet dancer, but if you are, no worries, you're probably just not very experienced. Just make sure to work on your foot line, a LOT.
Almost there...
Almost there...
You are ALMOST ready for pointe! We're guessing you are en flat in ballet, and about to get promoted to pointe, or you are a dancer for a different style. Before you go en pointe, make sure you do lots of foot exercises with a theraband and such, so that you totally make sure you're ready and don't hurt yourself. Also make sure you're not sickling your feet and always fully point them. Also, make sure you're at least 11 years old to go en pointe, so that your feet are fully grown and you don't get permanent foot problems.
You're about on the halfway mark to being ready for pointe shoes. You might be a beginner or intermediate dancer in ballet, or intermediate from a different style. If you do actually want to go en pointe, you need to work much harder and correct your feet. Talk to your teachers about foot exercises you can try at home, and things that you need to work on to reach your goal to go all the way to the top of your box!